Have you ever noticed that you see more of what you are thinking about and concentrating on?   When we were considering replacing our backyard fence, all of a sudden we started seeing fences everywhere.  When we took walks, we noticed our neighbor’s fences that we had never really seen or paid attention to before.  They were always there, however now our attention was drawn to them.

When we watch cable movies, or a series, suddenly there are more of the same types of movies to choose from.  Especially if we choose to rate our experience, there is a computerized program, to give us more of what we like.

Have you ever been streaming music, and after giving a thumbs up, you then have more of the same kind of  music presented to you? 

I have been using a piano app that listens, gives feed back and then suggests your next songs based on whatever you have been playing.  I kept playing La Bamba, over and over and now, suddenly, all my next suggestions are Spanish music!

This seems so wonderful, and convenient however suppose you are getting your news from social media ; the artificial intelligence programing gives you more of the same information .  Social media artificial intelligence controls more of what you get. Especially if you choose to like what you see.  This customizes your experience .  For instance, if you like animal videos, that is what you will get more of.

But is exposing ourselves only to what we want to hear really in our best interest?   Do we wish to continuously bombard ourselves with what we want to hear, or can we open-mindedly expose ourselves to a variety of views and come up with our own opinions.

In addition, video and audio clips are now easily changed and manipulated to simulate our voices and images.   Because of this, we literally cannot believe or rely on audio or video clips to be  truthful reality.   These potential scenarios can create a lot of trepidation, however we have been living very comfortably with artificial intelligence for many years.  We take our computerized household appliances and cars and phones and shopping search engines for granted.  We have come to rely on all the medical advances, and we get agitated when our convenient devices slow down or stop working.

When automobiles were first invented, people were constantly running into each other until regulations were created.

  At this point, I think we could welcome some safety regulations regarding AI.

  I am hopeful that we can get to the place where artificial intelligence can be used for the best of all concerned, so that we can benefit from all the amazing opportunities that it offers.

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