When you don’t have time, don’t make time- take time

We all have so many things that we know would improve our lives, however there seems as if we just don’t have the time to do that yoga, or those exercises or that meditation.  The wonderful thing about energy medicine is that you can start balancing at ANY time, and even a few seconds helps.  So the trick is, instead of trying to squeeze one more thing into your day, start taking the time that you already have.  Use all those tedious, monotonous moments when you are waiting for something to happen.  Take charge, and use those times to MAKE something happen.

Here are just a few examples of times that you might  already have:

  1. In bed when you first lie down or when you wake up. It is very helpful to do even in the middle of the night.  It helps you make good use of your time and helps you fall back to sleep. Good exercises to try would be deep breathing and the zip up and hook up exercises.
  2. Waiting in the kitchen for water to boil or something to heat up. This is the time I like doing some tapping rubbing or thumping on points. In Eden Energy Medicine, this is the beginning of the daily  routine that quickly balances your energy. Those favorite points called the four thumps to stimulate are:
    • On the cheek bones under your eyes
    • Under your collar bone in the first indent closest to your breast bone
    • The center of you breast bone. Here you use a Tarzan-like fist thump. (not too hard, but hard enough to stimulate your thymus gland to help your immunity)
    • Tap gently all around your ribs, starting under your breasts and moving in a line until you are under your arms while staying on the ribs.
  3. While you are going on a walk:   This is the perfect time for doing your cross crawls that helps your energy cross over from right to left and left to right. I also often do the 3-2-1 technique to relax, center and tune in while I am walking.
  4. Whenever you are waiting for someone else. This is when I like to do grounding or connecting heaven and earth exercises
  5. While watching TV. This is the perfect time to give yourself a foot or palm rub or do head holds.
  6. Riding(NOT DRIVING) in a car. Tapping is easy and I also do Wayne cook, meditation and the four thumps.

Note: for more information on doing some of these exercises, check out chapters three and four in my book. 

Now it is your turn.  How have you used those boring monotonous waiting moments to help yourself?

Welcome to My Blog

Welcome. My name is Sandy Westerman, author of Empath is Not a Four-Letter Word. I’m so happy to have you as a visitor to my blog about my new book. This project is very special to me, and I hope to share some of that excitement with you here.

I’ll be using this blog to interact with you about Empath is Not a Four-Letter Word, expanding on some of the topics in it and blogging on some of the ideas related to my book. This is a great place for you to get to know me, and I’m looking forward to getting to know you, too. What did you think of Empath is Not a Four-Letter Word? What questions do you have for me? How do you relate to my book?

I’ll be returning here frequently with new posts and responses to feedback from you. Until next time, tell me a little bit about yourself.